Tag Archives: environment

Comments on The Big Belch


Yes I’m working hard on The Big Belch.

I actually have it out for the first round of comments. Not only have my dear friends told me I’ve got some revisions to do, but one said and I quote, “Were you trying to kill yourself!”

Her point being I guess that I’m an idiot who signed on for the huge amount of drawing done already and a lot more to go.

Vastly underestimated what I was getting into. Really thought it would take less time. Beginners mistake, never having done a graphic novel before. But I am actually getting somewhere. So there is hope. Really.

It’s Ja-Mon, ©Kay Wood, New art from The Big Belch graphic novel

Climate Change in The State Of The Union


Last night President Obama mentioned climate change promising strong action. Let us hope he follows through – and that he isn’t blocked by naysayers.

“…Over the past eight years, the United States has reduced our total carbon pollution more than any other nation on Earth. But we have to act with more urgency – because a changing climate is already harming western communities struggling with drought, and coastal cities dealing with floods.  That’s why I directed my administration to work with states, utilities, and others to set new standards on the amount of carbon pollution our power plants are allowed to dump into the air…”

The Big Belch ©2013 Kay Wood

Fletcher, the environmental crime fighting parrot


Just wanted touch base. I’m making pretty good progress on The Big Belch drawings. Working on page 102 today. Going to be 110 for the novel itself and I’ll be taking a good friend’s suggestion and adding a back section with fossil fuels/climate change information.

I hope you’re surviving January 2014 OK – not snowed in or iced in or for the different side of the planet, dealing with drought. Climate change is aptly named I think. It does seem to be changing things up.

Thank you for supporting The Big Belch graphic novel project!

All the best,

PS – This is a drawing I did today of Fletcher, the environmental crime fighting parrot, friend and companion to fellow crime fighters; Monty, Maureen and François, the French bulldog.

Fletcher, environmental crime fighting parrot, ©2014 Kay Wood, drawing from The Big Belch graphic novel.

Still drawin’ The Big Belch graphic novel


Still drawin’ The Big Belch graphic novel. Working on page 81 today, and mighty glad to be doing so! I’ve been suffering a computer glitch nightmare for about a month or so. Gaaaaa! Fingers crossed that this latest attempt at a fix works.

The Big Belch, art, pg. 80, ©Kay Wood 2013

President Obama’s call for climate action


President Obama delivered what has been called “his most forceful push for action on global warming” this past Tuesday, June 25, 2013. What he called for is absolutely the right way to go. In fact, it has been the right way to go since the Jimmy Carter administration forty years ago when the exact same things with the exact same arguments both for and against were proposed.

A lot of political theatre has unfolded about President Obama’s call for action, just as it has every time the environment or climate showed up in the media since the 1970s. Maybe this time we will actually do at least some of the things that were called for back when flower children and miniskirts were new.

Had we not engaged in forty years of obfuscation and outright deception – brought to us by the same people who told us for decades that tobacco was good for us – the USA would own this vital lucrative economic sector instead of China and Germany as is the case now.

Had we started to do the right things back then, people would not now be dying and suffering untold other harm from the super storms and mega fires that now happen here with increasing frequency.

What will our planet look like in another forty years if we don’t enact the sensible measures that the president has put forward? How long will we survive as a species if we continue to dither in the facing of a pressing danger?

Alternative energy now


Today – June 19th – The World Bank issued a report about how very serious threat from Climate Change is titled “Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience.” There is also now a movement on college campuses to force their endowments to divest from oil companies. Another thing I heard in the last couple of days is that there is significant science showing that women giving birth in areas with a lot of soot and other pollution from fossil fuels have twice the rate of having children born with autism. So my update is – don’t wait, let’s go alternative energy now!

I’m making good progress on The Big Belch. Just starting on the drawings for page 50 of 100.

Obama Tweets About Global Warming


This morning I heard that a group of President Obama’s supporters are doing tweets to “Call Out the Climate Change Deniers.”  An excellent project in my view but…

What had me gnashing my teeth was the report went on to describe the effort as difficult in political terms because it was framed as Climate Change vs. jobs.

This is – as has been proven over and over again – a completely false paradigm! Clean energy and technology will not only help save us from vast destruction from a climate gone insane, but creates far far more good quality and well paid jobs here than the old fossil fuels.